Julia Teufel

2nd Year Psychology Student, Royal Holloway, University of London

Research Interests: Julia is a second-year psychology student who aspires to complete a master’s degree and PhD in clinical psychology. She is interested in issues with systemic discrimination against minority groups and would like to contribute with her own research in this field in the future.

Contribution to CSEL: Julia will be working on a project with Amina Memon and Zoe Given-Wilson as a placement research assistant. The project “Your Face is Your Passport” will start in January 2021 in collaboration with the artists Anagram, The Migration Observatory, and the Imperial War Museum and will focus on the use of automated systems for security screening and deception detection.


Isabella Da Re

PhD student in the Department of Law and Criminology, Royal Holloway, University of London

Research Interests: Isabella’s broader research interests are in the remits of Violence Against Women (VAW), domestic violence and sexual violence in conflict, particularly from a feminist perspective. Her current research focuses on the conceptualisation of ‘female suffering’ in International Human Rights Law (IHRL), which aims to provide an interpretative framework broadening the current androcentric nature of IHRL by integrating female realities, feelings, and experiences of suffering.

Contribution to CSEL: Isabella is a PhD student in the Department of Law and Criminology at Royal Holloway, University of London. She looks forward to engaging with members of CSEL on interdisciplinary research, especially in the fields of Violence Against Women, and participate in the centre’s seminars and projects.


Emma Bailey 

PhD student on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Royal Holloway, University of London.

 Research interests: Emma’s research interests are primarily in the remits of trauma, particularly within asylum-seeker and refugee populations. She is interested in how Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder may impact an asylum-seeker’s claim and the mechanisms underlying this, including the role of deceptive cues. Additionally, she is interested in the development of trauma-informed approaches and is currently writing up a small-scale service evaluation on the use of such approaches in an acute inpatient setting. She hopes to incorporate research on trauma-informed approaches within the field of law in her systematic review as part of her doctoral thesis.

Contribution to CSEL: Emma is a PhD student on the doctorate in clinical psychology at Royal Holloway, University of London. As part of her doctoral thesis, she is working with Amina Memon on a research project investigating how behaviours associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, expectations and emotions might impact credibility judgements in a mock asylum-seeker interview.

Gaia Giampietro

PhD student in the Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway, University of London

Research interests: Gaia’s broader research interests lie in eyewitness testimony and identification. As a direct continuation of her MSc Forensic Psychology dissertation, her current research explores the impact of altered face distinctiveness on eyewitness performance during forensic lineups, striving to improve accuracy of eyewitness identification in real-world forensic contexts. In the future, Gaia would moreover like to be involved in research within the area of deception detection.

Contribution to CSEL: Gaia is a PhD student in the department of Psychology at Royal Holloway, University of London. Gaia is eager to collaborate with CSEL members, particularly in inter-disciplinary research concerning judgement of accuracy and credibility in forensic contexts. She moreover looks forward to get involved in organising and helping promote the work of CSEL.