Challenges of Asylum Seeking: Survivors’ Voices

On Thursday 5th May 2022, CSEL was thrilled to premiere a new short film aimed at helping asylum seekers and refugees navigate the UK system. This video was made in collaboration with London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Life Seekers Aid. The project was funded by London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Public Engagement and Unbound Philanthropy. Involved in production were Yulia Hauer Visuals  Home ( and Pen Mendonca Graphic Facilitator  Pen Mendonca | Graphic Facilitator, Cartoonist, Artist. The video can be viewed here, please share it widely!


The emotional impact of interpreting in asylum interviews

A summary of research written by Louisa Morrison, based on work undertaken by Louisa Morrison, Amina Memon and Zoe Given-Wilson.






The challenges of seeking asylum

A picture to capture the collaborative process of identifying the challenges of seeking asylum.
It was developed from two co-created focus groups around challenges to seeking asylum in the UK.
With thanks to Life Seekers Aid, Pen Mendonca ( and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Please click on the image to see full screen.




**New Report: Working in UK prisons during the Covid-19 pandemic**

Abstract: This report presents a preliminary analysis of a confidential survey conducted in the early part of 2021 by the Centre for the Study of Emotion and Law at Royal Holloway University of Prison Office Association members in England, Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland.

The survey found high levels of anxiety and burnout. These feelings were exacerbated amongst respondents with caring responsibilities and those who had concerns about COVID-19 safety measure in their workplace. Respondents as a whole reported very low levels of emotional support in their workplace. 81% of the sample reported that their mental and physical health has deteriorated since the pandemic.

**To read the report, click here**


**New article: How do Adults with Post‐Traumatic Stress Disorder from Childhood Trauma talk about single versus repeated traumas?**

New research by Amina Memon (CSEL) and colleagues has recently been published in Applied Cognitive Psychology. This work examines the memory reports of adult survivors of (mostly) child abuse comparing the reports of those reporting single vs repeat episodes.

If you are interested in reading about the findings, an open access copy of the article is available here.



**New article in press**

Vulnerability to Interrogative Suggestibility and the role of negative life events:   A comparison of unaccompanied asylum seeking youth with age-matched peers

New research by Samantha Childs, Zoe Given-Wilson (CSEL), Stephen Butler, Amina Memon (CSEL) and Gisli Gudjonsson has been accepted for publication in Personality and Individual Differences.

Read more about the research here.

Childs, S., Given-Wilson, Z., Butler, S. Memon, A. & Gudjonsson, G. (in press) Vulnerability to Interrogative Suggestibility and the role of negative life events:   A comparison of unaccompanied asylum seeking youth with age-matched peers, Personality and Individual Differences.


**Student CSEL Member Alex Lloyd contributes to POST briefing**

PhD student Alex Lloyd will be receiving an acknowledgement from the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) for his contribution to their briefing on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on frontline workers.

Click here to view the briefing.





**New submitted article**

Collaborating For Creativity In The Preservation Of Digital Memories: An Experiential Approach

Jill Marshall (CSEL), Xiaoyu Zhang (Engineering) , Diego Martinez Castro and Dr José-Rodrigo Córdoba-Pachón (Management)

This work is based on an interdisciplinary event as a first exploratory exercise of collaboration between scholars, students and practitioners from the management, arts, law and computer science departments. The main aim was to gain an insight on what constitutes collaborative creativity and what it might generate in order to contribute to digital preservation of historical memories of marginalised communities. The main focus of the event was to critically engage with concepts about memory, stimulating these discussions with activities that bring a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives and insights.

For more information about the event, click here.


**New special issue: Perceptions and Narratives of EU Crisis Diplomacy**

CSEL member Ben O’Loughlin along with Natalia Chaban and Alister Miskimmon have published a new special issue of European Security entitled, Perceptions and Narratives of EU Crisis Diplomacy. The articles present research from the three-year project, Crisis, Conflict and Critical Diplomacy: EU Perceptions in Ukraine, Israel and Palestine (C3EU). The context for the research is that the European Commission and the EEAS aim to more effectively engage with publics and stakeholders in the European Neighbourhood. Ukraine, Israel and Palestine are currently embroiled in conflicts set in differing contexts which threaten the EU’s eastern and southern edges. The research in these new articles diagnoses perceptions and narratives of the EU in these volatile strategic neighbours and tracks expectations about what role the EU should play. The research indicates how these expectations are laden with emotions — Ukrainian hopes, Palestinian disappointments, Israeli confidence — and how these emotions become embedded in narratives (see e.g. chapter by Miskimmon and O’Loughlin) and metaphors (chapters by Pshenychnykh and by Morozova). Read it here.

If you are interested in how communication works in international relations and how people in conflict societies invest hope in different visions of the future, this is important reading.


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